

The covid-19 epidemic is the fastest spreading, most extensive, and most challenging public health emergency China has encountered since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and through the hard work and sacrifice of our entire nation, we have made major strategic achievements in our response to covid-19. At present, the epidemic has not yet come to an end, while the tasks we face in promoting development are immense. We must redouble our efforts to minimize the losses resulting from the virus and fulfill the main targets and tasks for economic and social development this year.


完成全年主要目标任务,为全面建成小康社会打下决定性基础。Main targets and tasks for 2019 were accomplished, laying the crucial foundation needed to reach the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.


The economy remained stable overall.

国内生产总值达到99.1万亿元,增长6.1%。GDP reached 99.1 trillion yuan, growing by 6.1%.城镇新增就业1352万人,调查失业率在5.3%以下。13.52 million new urban jobs were added, and the surveyed unemployment rate was below 5.3%.居民消费价格上涨2.9%。Consumer prices rose by 2.9%.国际收支基本平衡。A basic equilibrium was maintained in the balance of payments.


The economic structure continued to improve, and the development priorities of regions are better aligned.发展新动能不断增强。New growth drivers became stronger.改革开放迈出重要步伐。Major headway was made in reform and opening-up.三大攻坚战取得关键进展。Pivotal progress was achieved in the three critical battles against poverty, pollution, and potential risk.民生进一步改善。Living standards continued to improve.在疫情防控中,我们按照坚定信心、同舟共济、科学防治、精准施策的总要求,抓紧抓实抓细各项工作。我们统筹推进疫情防控和经济社会发展,推出8个方面90项政策措施,及时有效促进了保供稳价和复工复产。In covid-19 control, we stayed confident, came together in solidarity, adopted a science-based approach, and took targeted measures, carrying out all our work in a solid and meticulous manner. While continuing to advance epidemic control, we have also promoted economic and social development. With 90 policy measures in 8 categories, we have ensured stable supplies and prices and the resumption of work and production in a timely and effective manner.


今年要优先稳就业保民生,坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战,努力实现全面建成小康社会目标任务。This year, we must give priority to stabilizing employment and ensuring living standards, win the battle against poverty, and achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects.主要目标任务Main targets城镇新增就业900万人以上,城镇调查失业率6%左右,城镇登记失业率5.5%左右;Over 9 million new urban jobs, a surveyed urban unemployment rate of around 6%, and a registered urban unemployment rate of around 5.5%居民消费价格涨幅3.5%左右;CPI increase of around 3.5%进出口促稳提质,国际收支基本平衡;More stable and higher-quality imports and exports, and a basic equilibrium in the balance of payments居民收入增长与经济增长基本同步;Growth in personal income that is basically in step with economic growth现行标准下农村贫困人口全部脱贫、贫困县全部摘帽;Elimination of poverty among all rural residents living below the current poverty line and in all poor counties重大金融风险有效防控;Effective prevention and control of major financial risks单位国内生产总值能耗和主要污染物排放量继续下降A further drop in energy consumption per unit of GDP and the discharge of major pollutants努力完成“十三五”规划目标任务。Accomplishment of the 13th Five-Year Plan我们没有提出全年经济增速具体目标,主要因为全球疫情和经贸形势不确定性很大,我国发展面临一些难以预料的影响因素。这样做,有利于引导各方面集中精力抓好“六稳”、“六保”。稳定经济运行事关全局。要用改革开放办法,稳就业、保民生、促消费,拉动市场、稳定增长,走出一条有效应对冲击、实现良性循环的新路子。We have not set a specific target for economic growth this year. This is because our country will face some factors that are difficult to predict in its development, due to the great uncertainty regarding the covid-19 pandemic and the world economic and trade environment. Not setting a specific target for economic growth will enable all of us to concentrate on ensuring stability on the six fronts and security in the six areas. Ensuring stable economic performance is of crucial significance. We need to pursue reform and opening up as a means to stabilize employment, ensure people’s wellbeing, stimulate consumption, energize the market, and achieve stable growth. We need to blaze a new path that enables us to respond effectively to shocks and sustain a positive growth cycle.积极的财政政策要更加积极有为。Pursue a more proactive and impactful fiscal policy今年赤字率拟按3.6%以上安排,财政赤字规模比去年增加1万亿元Deficit-to-GDP ratio this year is projected at more than 3.6%, with a deficit increase of 1 trillion yuan over last year.同时发行1万亿元抗疫特别国债。Issue 1 trillion yuan of government bonds for covid-19 control.稳健的货币政策要更加灵活适度。Pursue a prudent monetary policy in a more flexible and appropriate way综合运用降准降息、再贷款等手段,引导广义货币供应量和社会融资规模增速明显高于去年。Use a variety of tools such as required reserve ratio reductions, interest rate cuts, and re-lending to enable M2 money supply and aggregate financing to grow at notably higher rates than last year.就业优先政策要全面强化。Strengthen the employment-first policy with comprehensive measures努力稳定现有就业,积极增加新的就业,促进失业人员再就业。

Strive to keep existing jobs secure, work actively to create new ones, and help unemployed people find work.



Further cut taxes and fees强化阶段性政策,与制度性安排相结合Aggressively implement current policies in conjunction with institutional arrangements.预计全年为企业新增减负超过2.5万亿元。Expect additional savings of more than 2.5 trillion yuan for enterprises throughout the year.推动降低企业生产经营成本。Reduce enterprises’ production and operating costs


Increase financial support to keep business operations stable一定要让中小微企业贷款可获得性明显提高,一定要让综合融资成本明显下降。Ensure that micro, small, and medium businesses have significantly better access to loans and that overall financing costs drop markedly.千方百计稳定和扩大就业。Make every effort to stabilize and expand employment加强对重点行业、重点群体就业支持。Increase employment support for key sectors and key groups.支持灵活就业。Support flexible employment.今明两年职业技能培训3500万人次以上,高职院校扩招200万人。This year and next, provide more than 35 million vocational skills training opportunities, and grow enrollment in vocational colleges by 2 million.


深化“放管服”改革。Press ahead with reforms to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services促进全面复工复产、复市复业。Boost the resumption of work, production, and business activities.持续打造市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境。Make sustained efforts to create a market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized business environment.推进要素市场化配置改革。Advance reforms to promote market-based allocation of production factors提升国资国企改革成效。Improve the performance of state capital and SOE reforms优化民营经济发展环境。Foster an enabling environment for the development of the private sector推动制造业升级和新兴产业发展。Encourage the upgrading of manufacturing and the growth of emerging industries推进智能制造。Boost smart manufacturing.打造数字经济新优势。Create new competitive strengths in the digital economy.提高科技创新支撑能力。Boost our capacity to support technological innovation深入推进大众创业万众创新。

Continue to encourage business startups and innovation nationwide


要深化供给侧结构性改革,突出民生导向,使提振消费与扩大投资有效结合、相互促进。We will deepen supply-side structural reform, focus our efforts on improving the people’s wellbeing, and boost consumption and expand investment in a mutually reinforcing way.推动消费回升。Promote the recovery of consumption支持生活服务业恢复发展。Support the recovery and development of consumer services.扩大有效投资。Expand effective investment重点支持既促消费惠民生又调结构增后劲的“两新一重”建设,主要是:Priority will be given to new infrastructure and new urbanization initiatives and major projects, which not only boost consumption and benefit the people, but also facilitate structural adjustments and enhance the sustainability of growth. Efforts will be made mainly in the following three areas:加强新型基础设施建设,发展新一代信息网络。Step up the construction of new types of infrastructure, developing next-generation information networks.加强新型城镇化建设,大力提升县城公共设施和服务能力。新开工改造城镇老旧小区3.9万个。Strengthen the development of a new type of urbanization, improving public facilities and services in county seats and beginning the renovation of 39,000 old urban residential communities.加强交通、水利等重大工程建设。Redouble efforts to develop major transportation and water conservancy projects.深入推进新型城镇化。Steadily advance new urbanization加快落实区域发展战略。Step up implementation of China’s regional development strategies实施好支持湖北发展一揽子政策。Implement a package of policies to support Hubei’s development.提高生态环境治理成效。Ensure more effective protection of ecosystems and the environment保障能源安全。

Safeguard energy security



Win the fight against poverty


Channel greater energy into eliminating poverty in all remaining poor counties and villages.


Continue to promote both poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.


Work to bolster agricultural production


Keep total crop acreage and grain output stable.


Penalize the acquisition of farmland for other purposes in violation of laws and regulations.


Increase the area of high-standard cropland by 5.33 million hectares.


Create more channels for rural residents to find employment and increase their incomes


Support modern agricultural facilities, safe drinking water projects, and the improvement of living environments.



We will stay committed to opening our door wider to the world, keep our industrial and supply chains stable, and make opening up a catalyst for reform and development.


Stabilize the overall performance of foreign trade


Help businesses get more orders and keep their employees on.


Work actively to expand imports.


Foster a large globally-oriented market of higher standards.


Step up utilization of foreign capital


Significantly shorten the negative list for foreign investment.


Draw up a negative list for cross-border trade in services.


Foster an enabling market environment in which all companies, Chinese and foreign, are treated as equals and engaged in fair competition.


Focus on quality in the joint pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative


Promote liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment



Enhance the public health system


Improve mechanisms for direct reporting and early warning of infectious diseases.


Ensure prompt, open, and transparent release of epidemic information.


Increase inputs into the R&D of vaccines, medicines, and rapid testing technologies.


Build more medical facilities for epidemic control and treatment.


Greatly enhance our prevention and control capability.


Resolutely prevent a resurgence of covid-19.


Improve basic medical services


Pilot inter-provincial on-the-spot settlement of outpatient bills through basic medical insurance accounts.


Tighten up supervision over food and drugs.


Develop more equitable and higher-quality education


See that teaching in primary and secondary schools and entrance examinations for senior high school and university are well-organized.加大基本民生保障力度。

Make greater effort to meet people’s basic living needs


Increase the basic pension for retirees and the minimum basic old-age pension for rural and non-working urban residents.


Extend the coverage of unemployment insurance and subsistence allowances.


Ensure assistance is provided to anyone who runs into temporary difficulty because of disaster or illness.


Organize rich intellectual and cultural activities for our people


Create new and better ways to conduct social governance


Strengthen accountability for workplace safety






